Monki Taiwan Cafe

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The Star Vista Gift Voucher

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Monki offers both Singaporeans and Taiwanese living in Singapore distinctive home styled Taiwanese dishes. We pride ourselves to be different from night market themed foods to bring in some yet to be discovered Taiwan gems likes, Taiwan Bittergourd Pineapple Chicken Soup (鳳梨苦瓜雞湯), Braised Platters Sets (黑白切) and many more, some specific only to Tai Chung, Taiwan. We are happy to say that our Taiwan Braised Pork Rice (滷肉飯) and Mee Sua (麵線) have decent following. We keep our menu fresh by offering weekly/monthly Menu Items that may include items we offer in the past such as ‘Taiwan Cold Noodles (涼麵) , Taiwan Fish-Pork Maw Soup (肉羹湯) or Beef Noodles Soup (牛肉麵)’

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